Malaysia, McDonalds and Movies

Exams are finally over! Semester 1 is finished!

It’s gone unbelievably quickly but I couldn’t be more excited for the next 3 months.

First stop is Thailand…. Tonight!
I definitely should have allowed more time to recover from exams, empty my room ready for the guys who are renting it for the summer and pack for Thailand but hey ho! You only live once right?!

1am we set of to Malaysia where we have a horrendous 6 hour stop over on zero sleep but we powered through with copious amounts of McDonalds and a couple of movies on their cinema room.

Two more hours and we’re in Chiang Mai!

The place is beyond beautiful, around almost every corner is a phenomenal temple. The detail and design into these buildings is every architects dream.
Pictures to follow soon I promise!

We’ve booked into a tour tomorrow so the adventure continues but for now were retiring to bed after an evening strolling the tourist night markets and a pizza for dinner (we’ll get started on the Thai food tomorrow!)