If I could offer you only one tip for the future…

Sunscreen would be it.

It’s ironic that Baz Luhrmann’s ‘song’ “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)” is one of my favourite to listen to and yet I still can’t take his main tip.

So no I didn’t wear sunscreen and yes I did burn. I actually think burn could be an understatement here. I blistered.

My one and only reason for writing this post – to try and remind myself to wear sunscreen !!
(But here’s a few nice pictures too)





5 things you wouldn’t study abroad without

A recent Grant application was to answer the question above. These are what I couldn’t study abroad without…. what couldn’t you study abroad without?

1. Laptop/Tablet/iPad – I hate relying on the technology of today however these things can make or break any trip. They act as a guidebook, providing you with tips to get the most out of your trip. They connect you with new people to make life-long friendships and can also put you in touch with existing friends and family if ever feeling homesick. Most of all they give you an outlet to document your travels and adventures to be sure you don’t ever forget any single detail.

2. Camera – similar reason to above however a picture captures a thousand words (and a thousand memories). A phone can often do the trick nowadays but I always find that having a camera around my neck reminds me to look for the beauty and capture it more often.

3. Open-Mind – truly experiencing and living another culture is impossible without an open-mind to learn and understand the way these cultures live and the history behind it.

4. Courage – when you’re old, grey and looking back on life do you want the one thing you remember about this trip to be that you didn’t have the courage to do that bungee jump? No! You want to remember how exhilarating it was that you concurred your fear – and did the bungee jump!

5. A plan but more importantly, the ability to be flexible – plan to see everywhere, but don’t ever let your plan stop you from experiencing more. By more I mean people, cultures and adventures.

5 weeks and counting!

It’s officially 5 weeks until I’m moving literally to the other side of the world… And I’m not even nervous, am I supposed to be nervous?! Everyone keeps asking if I am, expecting me to say yes.

I’m far too excited to be nervous. I cannot put down the travel guides and tour trip brochures. I’m in the travel agents for hours every week!
I’m on countdown.

I’m just waiting for the final confirmation from Melbourne to process my visa and then I just need to worry about fitting my whole life into a 30kg suitcase! Now that I’m nervous about…
