The struggle goes on

Why I thought I could handle a heavy night on Phi Phi before hours of diving theory at 7am I do not know – it was one stupid decision!


Luckily I made it through the mornings theory without suffering too much pain but when it came to the afternoon skills session in the ‘pool’ it was a whole different story… First up was our 200 metres swim, definitely making me realise I need to get a gym membership next semester then a ten minute floatation. All in all it wouldn’t have been too bad if I hadn’t have had a massive lunch about 20 minutes before getting into the water. I had to get out and cool off before I could even think about starting to conquer the mask fear.

Eventually I made it back into the water but not for long… I attempted the “full skill set” but soon had to sit down again feeling ill. I can retrieve my regulator just fine, apparently I have more control over what I swallow than what I breathe which is pretty much the same on land too. It’s also the fact that it doesn’t hurt if you swallow sea water, no it doesn’t taste great but that’s the only discomfort whereas when water goes up your nose and is breathed in it can cause a lot of discomfort!

During one of my breaks on the surface I contemplated with the idea of not bothering again, thinking if I still can’t do it now I never will but thankfully I gave it one last shot…

By the end of a very long skills session in the pool I had managed to complete the full skills set once and celebrated with an underwater hug from my instructor, Nelly.

Finally I can retire to my bed for a well deserved nap!