Melbourne Welcome Week

Although pricy melbourne welcome week has to be one of the best investments so far! There are approximately 180 other international students here and literally every single person I’ve met so far has been lovely!

We’re split into groups for most activities and ours is clearly the best!

Yesterday consisted of a scavenger hunt…. We checked many things off our list:
– worst Australia souvenir: kangaroo balls on a keyring (yes you can actually buy this and yes I was horrified!!!)
– asking a stranger to marry one of us
– obligatory selfies at many locations
– pretending to be a waitress to seat a stranger in a cafe
And many many more! All in all it was a great day and we ended by learning a few salsa moves an laughing a lot at our own inadequacy!

Today we spent the day at Healesville Wildlife park and met many amazing Australian animals (for anyone that knows me it’s definitely my favourite thing ever!!) and tonight is a pub crawl around Melbourne’s laneways….
