Tan and his Chinese army

A super early start today, leaving crown and the mother and setting off for another 2 months of travelling. I really have been utterly spoilt in the opportunities I’ve been able to take advantage of this year. Hard work 100% pays off!!
First stop of the day was the Pinnacles which are situated on aboriginal sacred land. It is said that these pinnacles are created by naughty children who didn’t behave themselves on the land and were sucked underneath. All that remains of those children are their fingertips which create the pinnacles we see today. I’m sure there is a more scientific reasoning but I much prefer the aboriginal version!

It seems to be another great group I’ve been paired up with for the west coast trip, we had some fund posing for some silly pictures with the pinnacles.   

 Lunch over some fantastic views! 

 Next up was sand-boarding! I don’t mean to brag but I am definitely becoming a pro! Although I still haven’t mastered the art of stand-up sand boarding!! – and don’t think I ever will! My balance is not what it used to be from those gymnastics days!

We then made our way to the nights accomodation which was a hostel on the beach in a little town called Horrocks. Just in time for sunset! 

 A few of us sat up chatting about international Businesses and differences in Governments, state welfare benefits and all the rest of it! It was nice to be able to contribute so much to the conversation – one of the first times when I’ve thought my degree is really starting to pay off! The conversation was mostly lead by myself and Tan. Tan is just brilliant! He makes me laugh so much already, the only way I can think to describe him is a mix between a wise Buddha, a smiling monk, a laughing minion with a little bit of The Hangovers Mr Chan thrown in too. He has the whole group in fits of laughter already – and as he said, “only first day too”!

Unfortunately our wake up call is too early to see the sunrise but my day has been made already from hearing of Christina’s dream of Chinese business men trying to invade Italy in their business suits following on from last nights conversation!!