Welcome to Wellington!

Upon arriving in Wellington we had a drive tour of the city on the way up to Weta Cave’s mini-museum of all the films that were filmed in NZ! I knew of the LOTR and Hobbit trilogies as well as Avatar but was shocked to see so many other titles. Apparently New Zealand is a relatively cheap country to make movies in and it is also easily adaptable to look like a variety of other settings.

Next up was the 360-degree view at the top of Mount Victoria


We then drove through the tunnel in the mountain which is nicknamed ‘two-toot tunnel’ as for some reason everyone spends the duration tooting their horns at each other.

We spent the afternoon at the National Museum seeing New Zealand’s prize possession – the giant colossal squid as well as some more Māori cultural buildings.

We had a great night out in Wellington, it’s a fantastic town full of plenty of young people and plenty of clubs


