Life’s too short

Koh Tao the turtle island! But ironically it’s the first time I’ve been diving and not seen a turtle for a very long time – I guess that’s just because I’ve been spoilt. Spoilt with so many good times and good experiences! But good doesn’t even begin to cover it – phenomenal – that sounds more appropriate!   
As I sit on the ferry from Koh Tao back to the mainland on my way up to Bangkok I’m pondering how quickly my year is coming to an end. I’m about to bid farewell to Thailand and see what Bali has to offer and then that’s it – I’m off to sunny (obviously actually not-so-sunny) England and it brings a tear to my eye but I’m not really sure why. I’m no longer dreading being back in England and at university for final year but instead I’m looking forward to the new challenges and to seeing what the year brings and how it will help me grow into graduate life. I’ve always said that life is what you make it and I can proudly say that I’ve always put that belief into my life too – I’ve achieved such a wide variety of things because I’ve put in the leg work! I’ve worked 5 jobs alongside university which has enabled me extend my journey home – and boy was every hour worth it! Even if despite all the worked hours I’ve still ended up in more debt, money will come and go, it always does. But you can never get the time back and you can never take away the memories!

Life is too short to be doing something you don’t absolutely love.

All aboard!

Thailand had been wonderful to us so far and it just keeps continuing!

I am currently sat on the ferry to Koh Phi Phi with my playlist blaring in my ears, the sun on my back and the sea breeze in my face. I close my eyes and remember similar times in Ibiza, Fiji and various other places around the world and am very thankful for how lucky I am in life. All my worries in the world are gone because yes, things will go wrong, but equally yes – they always work themselves out in the end. And often for the better!


I’m looking forward to a relaxing day on the beach and hopefully some scuba diving tomorrow!